

The Canola Conundrum

Posted on: Oct 25, 2017

How glucosinolates (GSLs) benefit canola to the detriment of the following crop. A recent blog we posted has generated a great deal of interest among canola growers. In it, we revealed that a defensive mechanism common to brassicas protects canola against soilborne disease, yet works to the detriment of the following crop. Today, we take […]


Explaining Post-Canola Rotation Growth Challenges

Posted on: Jul 5, 2017

Canola reduces biological activity in the soil. So, what can be done to help the following crop? Growers and researchers have long observed that crops following canola in a rotation tend to demonstrate reduced yield, compared to the results when seeded behind another crop. So, what is the reason behind this? It can largely be […]

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