Crystal Green Synchro™ 50

Crystal Green Synchro™ 50: The Next Generation of Phosphate

Crystal Green Synchro is the first and only phosphate fertilizer to combine the availability of MAP with controlled release utilizing the Root-Activated technology of Crystal Green.

Crystal Green Synchro 50 is a fully homogeneous sustainable struvite -based granular fertilizer. There's no need to blend Crystal Green and MAP. Crystal Green Synchro 50 is like blending a 50:50 ratio of Crystal Green and MAP, but instead of a blended fertilizer, it's a fully homogenous granular fertilizer.

How it Works

✔️Improve Nutrient Efficiency

✔️ Reduce Nutrient Loss

✔️ Potential for greater yield, uniformity of growth and quality.

✔️Increased Seed Safety

✔️ Not just good for economics, sustainable and innovative agronomics


Crystal Green Synchro™ 50 Guaranteed Minimum Analysis

Guaranteed Analysis
Total Nitrogen (N)

(5% ammoniacal nitrogen)

Available Phosphate (P2O5) 42.5%
Magnesium (Mg) 7%

Crystal Green Synchro™ 50 Benefits

  • Root-Activated™ Nutrient Technology- Nutrients are continuously released in response to weak organic acids, such as those produced by growing roots and soil microbes.
  • Season-Long Plant Availability- Continuous release provides plant-available nutrients all season long while minimizing nutrient tie-up, leaching, and runoff.
  • Consistent, Dependable Release- Crystal Green’s® nutrient release is dependent on plant demand; not on coatings, soil temperatures, microbes, or pH.
  • Unique Dual Mode of Action- Delivers plant-available phosphorus immediately for early plant development and continues to meet demand when the plant needs it most.
  • Environmental Benefits-
      • Significantly reduced risk of leaching and runoff;
      • Derived from a sustainable and renewable source5
      • Helps protect sensitive local waterways


Size SGN 300
Uniformity Index 50%
Diammonium Phosphate (DAP) 55lbs/cu. ft.



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