Stop wasting fertilizer! ARM U™ is a soil fertilizer additive that allows plants to absorb and utilize nitrogen, which otherwise disappears too quickly through conversion to ammonia gas. Give your crop the opportunity to flourish with the nitrogen it needs for healthy, rapid growth. Specially formulated for Canadian weather.
ARM U™ contains N-(n-butyl) thiophosphoric triamide (NBPT), which inhibits the urease enzyme activity that produces ammonia gas. By stopping nearly 96% of the volatilization loss, plants have the opportunity to absorb and utilize the nitrogen necessary for photosynthesis and production of protein.
Whenever urea or UAN fertilizer is applied to soil.
18% N-(n-butyl) thiophosphoric triamide (NBPT), CAS No. 9437-64-3
Total inactive ingredients: 82% (preservative, colorant, spreading agents, surfactant)
1.2 L ARM U™ / 1000 kg UAN solution 2 L ARM U™ / 1000 kg UREA
Nitrogen is essential for plant life and growth and is therefore a component of many fertilizers. However, up to 50% of the nitrogen applied as soil fertilizer is unavailable to plants because it is quickly converted to ammonia gas and released into the atmosphere. ARM U™ prevents this enzymatic process, allowing nitrogen to be absorbed through the plant roots.
Unlike other NBPT formulations, ARM U™ is an improved formulation that contains polymers (spreader molecules) that increase NBPT's binding rates to urease enzyme leading to improved NBPT activity. This increased activity enables a lower percentage of active ingredient and a lower use rate while maintaining efficacy.
In addition, ARM U™ is formulated to have a high buffering capacity to keep the solution pH below 7 and to protect and fully utilize the nitrogen present in the NBPT molecule.
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