AGTIV® THRIVE™ P PEA & LENTIL is a peat-based, dual endomycorrhizal and rhizobial inoculant. Available in a granular formulation that can be used for precise in-furrow applications – or a powder formulation that is ideal for mixing with seeds at planting time.
AGTIV® THRIVE™ G PEA & LENTIL is a Peat-based dual inoculant for in-furrow application for peas, lentils and faba beans. It contains Mycorrhizae & Rhizobium (the endomycorrhizal fungi Glomus intraradices and the bacteria Rhizobium leguminosarum biovar viceae.)
Rhizobial inoculum: Rhizobium leguminosarum biovar viceae-1.3 x 108 viable cells/g; 5.9 x 1010 viable cells/lb
Storage and Handling
Store in a cool, dry place, out of direct sunlight
Do not freeze or expose to temperatures above 25°C (77°F)
Avoid severe temperature variation
Open package only when ready to use
Respect the best before date on the label
Do not blend with fertilizers
Application Rate-Granular
AGTIV® THRIVE™ G PEA & LENTIL should be placed in the seed row. Apply at a rate of 4 lb/acre (4.5 kg/ha).
One 18.2 kg bag of AGTIV® THRIVE™ G PEA & LENTIL covers 10 acres (4 ha) or one 364 kg (800 lb) bag covers 200 acres (80 ha).
We recommend calibrating the seeder before applying AGTIV® THRIVE™ G PEA & LENTIL.
Do not mix AGTIV® Pulses Granular with granular pesticides or fertilizers.
Flowability may be affected by conditions of high humidity.
To avoid flow problems, do not fill tank or seed cart completely.
Regularly check and clean metering system to ensure proper flow.
Do not fill boxes or tanks until ready to plant.
Remove any unused granules from the tank or the seed cart at the end of the day.
AGTIV® THRIVE™ P PEA & LENTIL is a Peat-based dual inoculant ideal for mixing with peas, lentils and faba beans seeds at planting time. It contains Mycorrhizae & Rhizobium (the endomycorrhizal fungi Glomus intraradices and the bacteria Rhizobium leguminosarum biovar viceae.)
Rhizobial inoculum: Rhizobium leguminosarum bv viceae- 1.6 x 109 viable cells/g; 7.3 x 1011 viable cells/lb
Storage and Handling
Store in a cool, dry place, out of direct sunlight
Do not freeze or expose to temperatures above 25°C (77°F)
Avoid severe temperature variation
Open package only when ready to use
Respect the best before date on the label
Application Rate-Powder
Dry Application
One 4.7 kg pail of AGTIV® THRIVE™ P PEA & LENTIL covers:
Peas & faba beans: 16 ha (40 acres)
Lentils: 24 ha (60 acres)
Mix evenly with seeds at the bottom of the grain auger while filling drill, or directly in the drill box. Ensure uniform seed coverage is obtained.
Peas & faba beans: apply at 300 g/ha (120 g or 4.2 oz/acre).
Lentils: apply at 200 g/ha (80 g or 2.8 oz/acre).
Dry seed treater
A dry seed treater can be used to easily deliver AGTIV® THRIVE™ P PEA & LENTIL onto seeds. It is recommended to perform a calibration test with the device to adjust the flow rate to the drill box filling rate.
Device tested:
Nuttall Seed Inoculator (Nuttall Mfg Ltd, 1-306-345-2359, 4 to 5 minutes is required to empty a 4,7 kg pail of AGTIV® THRIVE™ P PEA & LENTIL set at maximum speed.
AGTIV® THRIVE™ P PEA & LENTIL may "bulk up" seeds. It is recommended to calibrate the seeder to ensure correct seeding rate is attained.
For optimum results, it is recommended to seed within the 4 hours following coating with AGTIV® THRIVE™ P PEA & LENTIL.
Do not mix AGTIV® THRIVE™ P PEA & LENTIL with granular fertilizers.
Slurry Application
One 4.7 kg pail of AGTIV® THRIVE™ P PEA & LENTIL covers:
Peas & faba beans: 16 ha (40 acres)
Lentils: 24 ha (60 acres)
Pour one (1) pail of 4.7 kg of AGTIV® THRIVE™ P PEA & LENTIL in a clean container. Add gradually 8 - 10 litres of clean, non-chlorinated water and stir well. Add more water if the slurry is too thick. Pour onto the seeds and mix thoroughly to ensure even coating.
AGTIV® THRIVE™ P PEA & LENTIL may "bulk up" seeds. It is recommended to calibrate the seeder to ensure correct seeding rate is attained.
For optimum results, it is recommended to seed within the 4 hours following coating with AGTIV® Pulses Powder.
Do not mix AGTIV® THRIVE™ P PEA & LENTIL and fungicide seed treatments in the same tank. Apply to seed sequentially or once treatment is dry.
Do not mix AGTIV® THRIVE™ P PEA & LENTIL powder with granular fertilizers.