AGTIV® REACH™ provide superior crop and grain quality. It is an endomycorrhizal inoculant. Available in a powder formulation that is ideal for mixing with seeds at planting time. Choose from a liquid or a granular formulation for precise in-furrow application. It is compatible with most field crops*.

* The following plant families cannot be colonized by the fungus contained in AGTIV® REACH™.

  • Brassicaceae (canola, mustard)
  • Chenopodiaceae (spinach, beets)
  • Polygonaceae (buckwheat)


AGTIV® REACH™ G is a granular endomycorrhizal inoculant used for precise in-furrow application. This product is compatible with most agricultural crops.

Active Ingredients-Granular

  • Endomycorrhizal inoculum: Glomus intraradices- 142 viable spores/g; 64,500 viable spores/lb

Storage and Handling

  • Store in a cool, dry place
  • Do not freeze or expose to temperatures above 35°C (95°F)
  • Avoid severe temperature variation
  • Close the bag tightly after use
  • Respect the best before date on the label

Application Rate-Granular

AGTIV® REACH™ G should be placed in the seed row. Apply at a rate of 5 lb/acre (5.7 kg/ha). One 18.2 kg (40 lb) bag covers 8 acres(3.2 ha) or one 364 kg (800 lb) bag covers 160 acres (64 ha).
AGTIV® Field Crops Granular is compatible with legume inoculants.

  • We recommend calibrating the seeder before applying AGTIV® REACH™ G.
  • Avoid using AGTIV® REACH™ G with wet equipment.
  • Allow the equipment to dry or let run a few minutes before adding product.
  • Remove any unused granules from the tank or the seed cart at the end of the day.
  • Do not mix AGTIV® Field Crops Granular with granular pesticides or fertilizers.



AGTIV® REACH™ P is an endomycorrhizal inoculant in powder form ideal for mixing with cereals, flax and forage seeds at planting time.

Active Ingredients-Powder

  • Endomycorrhizal inoculum: Glomus intraradices -6400 viable spores/g; 1,452,800 viable spores/lb

Storage and Handling

  • Store in a cool, dry place.
  • Do not freeze or expose to temperatures above 35°C (95°F).
  • Avoid severe temperature variation.
  • Close tightly after use.
  • Respect the best before date on the label.
  • Avoid prolonged inhalation of dust. Use of a dust mask when handling is recommended.

Application Rate- Powder

Dry Beans, Cereals and Flax

Mix AGTIV® REACH™ P evenly with seeds when filling seeder using grain auger or directly in the hopper or other container. The application rate is 3/4 cup/acre (450 ml of product/ha). One 2 kg pail of AGTIV® REACH™ P covers up to 40 acres (16 ha).
It is possible to use a dry seed treater to deliver the powder (see below for details).
AGTIV® Field Crops Powder is compatible with legume inoculants.

  • AGTIV® REACH™ P may “bulk up” seeds. It is important to calibrate the seeder to ensure correct seeding rate is attained.
  • When planting, avoid using AGTIV® REACH™ P with wet equipment. Allow the equipment to dry and make sure that all the mechanisms and the piping of the seeder are dry. It is also possible to use a neutral absorbent to absorb excess water.
  • For optimum results, it is recommended to seed within the 8 hours following coating with AGTIV® REACH™ P. Ensure proper seed-soil contact to minimize any desiccation of the mycorrhizal inoculant.
  • Do not mix AGTIV® REACH™ P and fungicide seed treatments in the same tank. Apply to seed once treatment is dry.
  • Do not mix AGTIV® REACH™ P with granular or liquid fertilizers.


Dry seed treaters

A dry seed treater can be used to easily deliver AGTIV® REACH™ P onto seeds. It is recommended to perform a calibration test with the device to adjust the flow rate to the drill box filling rate.


Alfalfa, Mix Forages and Grass

Mix AGTIV® REACH™ P evenly with seeds at a rate of 1 1/2 cup/acre (900 ml of product /hectare). One 2 kg pail of AGTIV® REACH™ P covers up to 20 acres (8 ha).

  • AGTIV® REACH™ P may “bulk up” seeds. It is important to calibrate the seeder to ensure correct seeding rate is attained.
  • When planting, avoid using AGTIV® REACH™ P with wet equipment. Allow the equipment to dry and make sure that all the mechanisms and the piping of the seeder are dry. It is also possible to use a neutral absorbent to absorb excess water.
  • For optimum results, it is recommended to seed within the 8 hours following coating with AGTIV® REACH™ P. Ensure proper seed-soil contact to minimize any desiccation of the mycorrhizal inoculant.
  • Do not mix AGTIV® REACH™ P and fungicide seed treatments in the same tank. Apply to seed once treatment is dry.
  • Do not mix AGTIV® REACH™ P with granular or liquid fertilizers



AGTIV® REACH™ L is an endomycorrhizal inoculant that has been specially developed for field crops such as soybean, dry beans, cereals and flax. The product is adapted to the equipment used and allows for a uniform distribution when it is applied in furrow.

Active Ingredients-Liquid

  • Endomycorrhizal inoculum: Glomus intraradices 6,400 viable spores/g

Storage and Handling

  • Store in a cool place (2-8°C, 36-46°F)
  • Do not freeze product
  • Respect the best before date on the label

Application Rate- Liquid

In-Furrow Application - Tank mix

In the liquid tank, pour the contents of a 950 ml bottle in the volume of water required to treat 20 acres (8 hectares). Refer to the chart. Apply directly in furrow.

  • Ensure the tank and the liquid injection system are clean and free of chemical residues.
  • Use filters with openings smaller of at least 0.28 mm (50 mesh) to avoid clogging.
  • Ensure the temperature of the diluted tank mix doesn’t exceed 22°C (72°F).
  • Shake well before use and during the application.
  • Apply product within six hours following mix into the tank.

Volume of water to add in the liquid tank according to the flow rate needed and 7 Rules for Success


In-Furrow Application - AGTIV Liquid Injection Kit

Dilute the product in the required volume of clean, non-chlorinated water. For each 950 ml bottle of mycorrhizal inoculant, add 2 bottles of water. Apply directly on seed pieces into furrow.

  • Ensure the tank and the liquid injection system are clean and free of chemical residues.
  • On the planter, remove all cylinder screens by the nozzles or use filters with openings of at least 50 mesh (0.28 mm).
  • Spray band width should be limited to 7 in (18 cm) or less.
  • If the mixture does not contain pesticides or fertilizers, it can be emptied, refrigerated and used within 24 hours.
  • Product must be refrigerated (2-8°C, 36-46°F). Do not freeze product.
  • Shake the bottle well before use and maintain a constant agitation in the tank during application.
  • Ensure the temperature of the diluted tank mix doesn’t exceed 22°C (72°F).
  • Do not use after the best before date indicated on the label.

Application rate 

AGTIV Liquid Injection Kit / IN-FURROW APPLICATION Video 




How it works

Click to Download Biological Active Ingredients


Video Resources

Mycorrhizae symbiosis establishment:



  • Increases root growth
  • Mycorrhizal fungi produce hyphae that penetrate root cells to produce exchange structures
  • Mycorrhizal fungi produce hyphae that extend into the soil and increase absorptive capacity for water and mineral nutrients (P, Cu, Zn)
  • Mycorrhizal fungi improve the plant’s absorption capabilities by transferring directly to root via mycorrhizal network
  • Increases yield
  • Increases crop quality
  • Increases tolerance to drought
  • Optimizes fertilizer use


Cereals Efficacy Book

Dry Beans Efficacy Book

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