What does it take to grow a 100 bushel crop?
Join us for another great episode of Taurus Agronomic Bites featuring special guest Ken King founder of King Agricultural Consulting in Central Alberta.
Ken, Craig Davidson and Mike Dolinski will discuss what the key ingredients are to achieve 100 bu success, the limiting factors and barriers to overcome to get there. Many growers already possess what it takes to make the 100 bushel club, they just need to utilize it better.
What you will learn:
-the basics to follow to achieve yield goals
-limiting factors- what they can be and how to overcome them
-what can we learn from a 100 bu area
-Water, fertility, biological activity- what has the biggest impact
Have questions? Ask one of the team!
About Ken King:

Ken King has lived and worked in the Central Alberta area since graduating from the University of Alberta with a BSc. Agriculture. Ken started working in the retail industry in January 1983, as an agrologist for a fertilizer and chemical supplier located between Trochu and Three Hills. He then spent time as a District Agriculturist, and later as a Crop Specialist for Alberta Agriculture, mostly in the Three Hills District Office.
In 1996 Ken left Alberta Agriculture and started his own company, King Agricultural Consulting Ltd., providing independent agronomy consulting on a contract basis with farmers, mainly within Kneehill County. For the last twenty five years he has worked along side his clients helping them to achieve sustainable, environmentally sound and profitable crop production. Nine years ago, Ken added Lance Gaboury as partner and two years ago, his daughter, Nicole Barrett, joined him and Lance to help farmers in achieving their crop production goals.
Ken has been married to his loving wife Ruth for 43 years, and resides east of Trochu. His four grown children all live nearby and have blessed them with seven beautiful grandchildren.
When asked his thoughts on agriculture Ken responded:
I am a strong believer in the future of agriculture, I believe we are fortunate in Canada to have some of the most innovative and forward thinking agriculture producers in the world. The challenge of sustainable, environmentally sound crop production requires a respect for our history and a willingness to move forward and adopt new practices that will allow Canadian agriculture to continue to meet the challenge of providing the quality products and commodities that Canada is renown for around the world.
Please note:
Participation by Ken King / King Agricultural Consulting Ltd. on the Taurus Agronomic Bites Podcast is voluntary and is in no way an endorsement of Taurus. Ken is not being compensated for his appearance.