
P – Phosphorus

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Crystal Green® is the first continuous release granular fertilizer to provide Root-Activated™ phosphorus to feed plants in one season-long application.

Unlike conventional phosphate fertilizers, which release nutrients upon watering or irrigation, Crystal Green releases nutrients in direct response to root demand. (When the plant releases organic acids, Crystal Green releases nutrients). This results in a steady source of phosphorus (along with nitrogen and magnesium) throughout the growing season.

5% Total Nitrogen | 28% Available Phosphate | 10% Magnesium

Significantly reduces the risk of salt injury in Canola.

With only one-quarter of the salt index found in MAP fertilizers, Crystal Green provides the steady supply of phosphorus canola needs to thrive – while significantly reducing risk of seedling injury. The result is increased stand count and yield. Results from four 2016 Manitoba field trials reveal an average 14.65% higher stand count*/m in fields treated with Crystal Green compared to Grower Standard Practices.
* Crystal Green Effects on Stand Count (per square meter) Southern Manitoba Canola Trials 2016

Increasing marketable yield of potatoes in challenging pH soil.
In Canada, Crystal Green blends have outperformed its potato grower’s standard fertilizer program by 41 cwt/acre on average. Due to its citrate solubility, Crystal Green’s unique Root Activated™ release delivers phosphorus and magnesium when – and only when – the plant needs it. 

Key benefits include:

  • One season-long application
  • Root-Activated™
  • Increased efficiency of phosphorus uptake
  • One-quarter of the salt index than MAP fertilizers (7.7 vs 27)
  • Minimal phosphorus tie-up
  • Increased marketable yield
  • Blends with all conventional dry fertilizers
  • Reduced environmental risk of leaching and runoff

Crystal Green

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